You Are A Champion

champions“I am always the most positive person”  said no one ever. Because….everyone has “off” days. But you know what is so great about having an “off day?” It is an opportunity to pick yourself back up and be even better the next day. It feels great when you can get out of that funk. The key is to remember that life will hand you “ups and downs” and “obstacles.” The key is to never give up and understand that these obstacles are simply little detours  in the road to our destinations. How do you find your way back?

  1. Surround yourself with supportive and amazing people. The key to a great leader is to surround oneself with people who are even greater. Form a united team of friends, family and colleagues.
  2. Remember that everyone has ‘challenges.’ You are not unique in this category. I know it is hard, but it is true. The key to success is in how you address your challenges and work through them.
  3. Help someone else. I always find that when I am having a down day, what can make me feel better is to give some of my time to someone less fortunate or someone who needs a helping hand or an ear to listen.
  4. Learn from your mistakes. Our biggest challenge lies in ‘not’ repeating the same mistakes. Look back on a situation and ask yourself “how could I have handled that differently?” I learned this lesson with age, so maybe I can help someone learn that a little earlier.
  5. Ask for help. There is no shame in asking for some help. Another lesson learned with age. It is not a sign of weakness. it is a sign of strength.
  6. Never give up on your dreams. When you give up on a dream you are giving up on making the most of your amazing gift-life. So use every second of every day to make your dreams a reality. Set your goals and your possibilities are endless.18684